📃Access Control Conditions

Type of Access Control conditions supported

  1. NFTs and Tokens

    • ERC20

    • ERC721

    • ERC1155

  2. Custom Contracts deployed

  3. Native chain token (like ETH)

  4. Time-based Access

Here are examples of how various access conditions can be applied.

    id here represent condition number
    chain is the blockchain network on which conditions should be applied
    method is the name of the function to invoke
    standardContractType is the type of contract, can be ERC20, ERC1155, ERC721 or Custom
    returnValueTest is what to test from functions response >, ==, < 
    parameters if the function takes any parameter as input mention it
    inputArrayType type of parameter that the function is taking as input
    outputType is the type of response returned by the function

// NFT based access
// Example, if a user owns atleast one NFT of given NFT contract deployed on wallaby testnet chain.
    id: 1,
    chain: "wallaby",
    method: "balanceOf",
    standardContractType: "ERC721",
    contractAddress: "0x1a6ceedD39E85668c233a061DBB83125847B8e3A",
    returnValueTest: { comparator: ">=", value: "1" },
    parameters: [":userAddress"],

// Custom Contract
// Example, If the output of the get function of a given contract deployed on polygon mumbai chain is 1.
    id: 1,
    chain: "Mumbai",
    method: "get",
    standardContractType: "Custom",
    contractAddress: "0x019e5A2Eb07C677E0173CA789d1b8ed4384e59A5",
    returnValueTest: {
	comparator: "==",
	value: "1"
    parameters: [],
    inputArrayType: [],
    outputType: "uint256"

// Native Token
// Example, If the user owns at least 1 Eth
    id: 1,
    chain: "Ethereum",
    method: "getBalance",
    standardContractType: "",
    returnValueTest: {
        comparator: ">=",
	value: "1000000000000000000"

// Time-based access
// Example, Can access file if the current block is greater than 133493
    id: 1,
    chain: "Optimism",
    method: "getBlockNumber",
    standardContractType: "",
    returnValueTest: {
        comparator: ">",
            value: "133493"

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