In this section, we will push uploaded file metadata on-chain through the OnchainCID Contract . Initially, we will push the file info like filename, filesize, mime-type, etc on-chain followed by updating dealIDs for that CID after a successful deal creation of the file.
Make sure to go through the quick start section before proceeding. The complete script can be copied from here
Install and import all the required modules
Copy const lighthouse = require("@lighthouse-web3/sdk");
const ethers = require("ethers");
const OnChainCIDabi = require("./utils/abi");
const chainConfig = require("./utils/chainConfig");
Paste the Lighthouse API Key and signing wallet private key
Copy const API_KEY = process.env.LIGHTHOUSE_API_KEY;
const PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY;
Declare the Rpc Url and onchainCID contract address either by passing the chain name or pasting it from chain config .
Copy const chain = "baseSepolia"; // Update chain here or
// Update rpc and contract address here
const RPC_URL = chainConfig[chain].rpcUrl;
const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = chainConfig[chain].contractAddress;
Supported chains include -
Mainnet - polygon, base, filecoin
Testnet - polygonAmoy, baseSepolia, calibration
Creating the signer and contract instance
Copy const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(RPC_URL);
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(PRIVATE_KEY, provider);
const contract = new ethers.Contract(CONTRACT_ADDRESS, OnChainCIDabi, signer);
Now to add a file CID and metadata on-chain, either upload a new file using Lighthouse SDK
Copy const filePath = "./uploadSample.txt";
const uploadResponse = await lighthouse.upload(filePath, API_KEY);
console.log("File uploaded to Lighthouse:", uploadResponse);
const cid =;
Or paste an uploaded fileβs CID
Copy const cid = "Qmah99npVfj9WRMfc172Ghk1qKdxF7BTYFLTD9Ph4wseTJ";
Retrieve the file info and execute the pushCIDOnchain function
Copy const fileInfo = await lighthouse.getFileInfo(cid);
const tx = await contract.pushCIDOnchain(
[] // initial empty dealIDs array
await tx.wait();
View the file metadata on the chain
Copy const details = await contract.getFileDetails(signer.address, cid);
you will get a response like this -
Copy {
filename: 'uploadSample.txt',
size: '71',
encryption: false,
mimeType: 'text/plain',
dealIDs: []
After the successful deal creation of the file, deal IDs can be updated for that CID. Fetch the deal status and then execute the updateDealID function of the contract.
Copy const dealStatus = await lighthouse.dealStatus(cid)
// aggregating dealIDs
const dealIds = []; => { => {
// update the dealIDs in the contract
const tx = await contract.updateDealID(cid, dealIds);
await tx.wait();
Now the file metadata can be viewed again
Copy const details = await contract.getFileDetails(signer.address, cid);
This time, the response will include the dealIDs
Copy {
filename: 'beanMeUp.jpeg',
size: '2056258',
encryption: false,
mimeType: 'image/jpeg',
dealIDs: [ '93785930', '93782071', '93877438', '93871617' ]